Want Mortgage Freedom?

Ever dreamed of being mortgage free? Then this course is for you.


Mortgage Free Living Price Graphic - Canadian Specific $197


Everything you need to know to become mortgage free faster. With action steps and guides to help you along the way.

Implement just 1-2 action steps and save thousands of dollars on your mortgage interest.

In this course you will...

Mortgage Free Living Course Intro Image

The interest savings you will have from applying the action steps in this course will save you more than 10x the price of this course. What do you have to lose?

What would your life look like if you didn’t have a mortgage?

Profile image - Maria @ Handful of Thoughts

Hi, I'm Maria!

And I want to help YOU become mortgage free

Deciding to become mortgage free was one of the best decisions we made as a family.  It took us less than 5 years to pay our $342,000 mortgage off.  And during that 5 year time frame, we still managed to travel to 12 countries on 5 continents. No, we didn’t deprive ourselves and we weren’t millionaires either.  I’m a teacher and my husband went to trade school.

Don’t think you can be mortgage-free?

I’m proof that you can and I’m ready to help you.  It may take you longer than 5 years, but anything shorter than the traditional 25-year mortgage term will save you years of your time and thousands of dollars in interest.

What You Get in this Course

Mortgage free living - access on your computer, tablet, or phone
Mortgage Free Living Workbook Image - 30+ Pages of Actionable Steps

This course isn’t just knowledge.  It is broken down into action steps that you can begin to implement immediately.